Tuesday 25 November 2008

Meeting Location

The lunches take place from 12:00-14:00 on the first Tuesday of the month – except July and August (summer break) and when the Monday preceding the first Tuesday is a public holiday.

All lunches are held at the Mövenpick Dreikönigshaus, Beethovenstrase 32, 8001 Zurich (on the corner of Beethoven- and Dreikönigstrasse). The closest tram stop is Stockerstrasse, although the restaurant is only a short walk from Paradeplatz. http://map.search.ch/zuerich/beethovenstr.32
Mövenpick need to know the number for which they have to cater so please register with me before the event. For last minute acceptances and special wishes (e.g. Vegetarian) please contact the Chef de Service directly (044-286 54 64).
En guete!